------------------ static electricity
* A balloon
* A clean head of hair
* Some tiny bits of torn up newspaper
* A sheet of aluminum foil about 1 foot long
* A wool sweater or sock
* A sheet of wax paper about 1 foot long
* A sheet of cellophane wrap about 1 foot long
Begin by blowing up the balloon and rubbing it on your head. What happens to your hair? Now lay the bits of paper out on a table in front of you. Bring the balloon near, but don't actually touch the paper. What happens?
Straw Exercise
Carefully tear one end of the paper and slide about one inch of the straw out of the paper. Rub the straw in and out of the paper for 5-10 seconds. Remove the paper and lay it on the table while hoding one end of the straw with your fingertips. Like a wand, lower the straw and hold it next to the paper, then raise the straw. What does the paper do?